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These doves won’t be mourning!

Toronto Wildlife Centre is starting to fill up with babies including three baby mourning doves, 33 baby grey squirrels, 18 baby cottontails, 14 baby raccoons, many baby pigeons and 1 tiny baby deer mouse, each one of them in need of assistance.

The majority of the babies in care are of the species you would commonly see on lawns, in parks and even walking down the street. These species may be common in our communities but at Toronto Wildlife Centre every baby is special!

Like these three baby mourning doves from Scarborough who were admitted 2 weeks ago. Two of them Kayt found on her balcony, with no parents in site. She told TWC’s Wildlife Hotline staff that they looked cold and wet and she couldn’t bear to leave them there. The third Chris found in the mouth of his pet cat, separated from her family.

Each one of them were bright and responsive upon admission to Toronto Wildlife Centre but they were all fairly dehydrated and quite hungry. By a stroke of luck, the one attacked by the cat was uninjured. That said, without their parents to take care of them they will each need hours of specialized care including tube feeding three times daily. They are also offered seed, and water enriched with vitamins.

Spring time is crunch time here at Toronto Wildlife Centre, and it’s the help of people like you that saves babies like these mourning doves. By sponsoring a wild baby, you can pay for a day, week or month of their care and save a baby’s life today.

Would you consider a giving a donation to help a wild baby?


Keep Animals Safe

Outdoor cats have a profound effect on wildlife. Not only does Toronto Wildlife Centre admit hundreds of cat-attack victims annually, but in the United States, it is estimated that outdoor cats kill more than a billion birds and small mammals every year. Sadly, due to infection, wild animals that are able to escape have very poor survival rates even if they make it into the hands of trained professionals. Some wild bird populations have been made extinct by outdoor cats, and they currently threaten others. Free-roaming cats also face many threats including vehicles, human cruelty, and exposure to poisonous chemicals and debilitating diseases. TWC urges public to keep cats indoors and keep animals safe.