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How to help our feathered friends during migration season

By September 22, 2015December 30th, 2017Wildlife Tips

Below: Eleven migratory birds were admitted today after collisions with windows. They sit in their paper bags waiting to be assessed by Toronto Wildlife Centre’s veterinary team.

Each year Toronto Wildlife Centre can admit over 1000 birds who have collided with windows. Warblers, thrushes, woodpeckers, ducks, hawks, hummingbirds, and on and on. They come in with eye injuries, broken bones, head trauma and damaged feathers — all because of the structures we build in their migration path.

Some of these patients have only minor injuries, while others might require orthopaedic surgery to fix broken bones, or care throughout the winter if they are not well enough to migrate that year. It’s a big part of where your donations go in the spring and fall migration seasons.

You can help our feathered friends avoid these invisible hazards in the first place, both in your home and at work! Click here for a high-resolution version of the image below illustrating how to bird-proof your windows. Print it, share it, follow it, and be a good neighbour to wildlife.

Bird-proof your windows