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Donate in honour or in memory of a friend, family member, loved one and/or pet to help support the care of wildlife and we will send them a personalized card by post or email!

Send your loved one a Valentine's Day eCard before 4 PM on Friday, February 14, and help save a wild life!

Send your loved one a Valentine's Day eCard before 4 PM on Thursday, February 13, and help save a wild life!

Send your loved one a Valentine's Day eCard before 4 PM on Thursday, February 13, and help save a wild life!

NORTHERN CARDINAL on a tree branch with words " beak my valentine"

Northern Cardinal

Two trumpeter swans touching beaks with words "you're my swan and only"

Trumpeter swans

three raccoons in a tire with the words "I'd never tire of you"


Porcupine on tree branch with words I think you're porcu-fine!


a coyote howling in front of a dim sky with words you make my heart howl

Eastern Coyote

Select your favourite photo of a previous wild patient (below) to send an eCard or print card now!

Select your favourite photo below to send a ecard or post card below

Select your favourite photo below to send a ecard or post card below

Common Nighthawk

Snapping Turtle


Red Foxes

Common Merganser

Meadow Vole

Visit our YouTube channel to watch heartfelt stories about wildlife you're helping.